Storms and extreme weather conditions can be devastating and dangerous to your property, especially your trees. While they are valuable assets, trees can quickly become a liability if they are damaged or fall. For this reason, every property or tree owner should consider calling an arborist after a strong storm.
Arborists specialise in tree care and can help assess the extent of damage caused by the storm. They can recommend and provide the necessary treatment or other tree care services to ensure the safety of the surroundings and to help trees bounce back to their former glory.
Calling an Arborist after a Strong Storm: Why It’s So Important
Tree Inspection and Hazard Assessment
An arborist has the knowledge and experience to assess the condition and stability of your trees. They can identify potential hazards, such as damaged branches or trees at risk of falling. An arborist can help prevent accidents and minimise property damage by conducting a thorough inspection.
Furthermore, storm cleanup can be dangerous, especially when dealing with heavy or unstable objects, such as broken, thick branches and fallen trees. Arborists have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle these situations safely. They know how to operate chainsaws, cranes, and other tools safely to remove debris without causing harm to themselves or others.
Further Damage Prevention
After a strong storm, it’s crucial to assess the condition of your remaining trees and ensure that they are not at risk of causing further damage. An arborist can identify any weak spots or diseased trees prone to falling and recommend appropriate actions. They can also provide tree maintenance services, such as tree pruning, to prevent future damage. If preservation is not an option, arborists can also perform safe and proper tree removal services.
Saves Time and Effort For Property Owner
Cleaning up after a storm can be time consuming and physically demanding. Calling an arborist after a strong storm to handle the task allows you to focus on other important matters, such as assessing and repairing any structural damage to your property. Arborists have the necessary equipment and workforce to efficiently remove debris and restore the safety and aesthetics of your landscape in a timely manner.
Environmental Considerations
Trees are a vital part of our ecosystem, and it’s essential to take the necessary steps to minimise the impact of storm damage can have on them. Arborists not only remove fallen trees and branches but also have the knowledge to assess and treat any damage or stress that the remaining trees may have experienced. They can provide recommendations for tree health and preservation, ensuring that your landscape recovers from the storm in a sustainable and eco-friendly way.
Calling an Arborits after A Strong Storm is a Wise Decision
A strong storm can leave a mess behind, from scattered debris and broken branches to fallen trees. While some of the aftermath may be visible, others may not be obvious and need an expert eye for assessment. Failing to have your property inspected by a trained Arborist after a storm may put your land and trees at risk of further damage.
Calling an Arborist after a strong storm is highly recommended and worth considering. Their expertise in assessing damage, identifying structural weaknesses or diseases, and providing appropriate care will ensure your trees recover and thrive. If you need to speak with our team of arborists, please get in touch with us.
Related Article: Preparing Trees For Storm Season