Frontier Tree Services FAQ’s

Frontier Tree Services is the expert Tree Services company on the Gold Coast, providing specialised tree care for over 30 years. If you have a query or concern about trees or vegetation on your property, check out our Tree Maintenance FAQs below or call us for expert advice.
What Is Arboriculture?
Arboriculture is the practice and science involved in the selection, planting and maintenance of individual trees and other woody plants, and the study of how these kinds of plants and trees grow and react to cultural practices and the environment they are in. The main activities involved in Arboriculture include planting, fertilisation, pruning, shaping, removal and surgery, with each of these activities revolving around maintaining tree health and safety.
What Is An Arborist?
An arborist, otherwise known as a tree surgeon or arboriculturist, is one with thorough trained in the field of Arboriculture (see above), and who therefore has a sound knowledge of tree anatomy, biology and biomechanics, and is competent in a range of professional Arboricultural practices.
Arborists focus on the health and safety of individual trees in urban areas, making arborists quite different to either foresters (those who look after forests) and loggers (lumberjacks, those who cut down trees).
Do You Provide A Free Quote Service?
Yes we do!
Frontier Tree Services offer free, no obligation quotes prepared by an AQF L5 Arborist. All our quotes are supplied in PDF format and accompanied by site photographs or overhead maps to clearly indicate the proposed work. To book your free quote contact us today.
Are You Insured?
Yes, Frontier Tree Services are fully insured, with Public Liability Insurance of $20 million and Professional Indemnity Cover of up to $2 million. All our employees are covered under WorkCover
Do I Need Council Approval To Remove My Tree/S?
As a general guide, any tree within 3 meters of your main dwelling or within 1.5 meters of a fence or structure can be removed without council approval (Excluding strata title properties). There are some exceptions to this rule and different allowances for larger properties or those properties located within bushfire zones. Our Arborist will correctly identify your trees and confirm if an application to council is required. If your tree does require council approval, we’ll include the associated fees in our quotation. We offer a full removal service, including the lodgement and management of your application. For more information regarding protected vegetation and council applications see our helpful resources and links below.
Are Your Gold Coast Arborists Qualified?
Absolutely. Frontier Tree Services Arborists are fully qualified:
• AQF Level 5 Qualified Arborist for Consultancy & Arborist Reports; Development Site Reports to Australian Standard AS4970.
• Minimum AQF Level 3 Qualified Climbing Arborists for Pruning Works to Council Specifications and Australian Standard AS4373 (2007) Pruning of Amenity Trees.
Why Should I Hire An Arborist?
Only an Arborist is specially trained to care for and safely remove trees. An Arborist is experienced in assessing trees. They are trained to consider both the trees growth habits and it’s surrounding area before making recommendations for tree pruning or tree removal. You can trust that your qualified Arborist will provide accurate advice and follow strict safety procedures, ensuring a safe and efficient job with minimal disturbance to your surrounding gardens and dwellings.
Whats The Difference Between A Tree Lopper And An Arborist
A tree lopper is someone who cuts trees, but holds no formal training in Arboriculture. Their understanding of tree health and how to safely work in trees is limited, and could result in damage to your trees or surrounding property. Arborists train for several years, allowing them to correctly identify and assess trees, determine pruning requirements and safely dismantle trees. For more information about loppers and Arborists have a read of our blogs
Whats The Difference Between A Qaa Approved Contractor And Approved Member
Frontier Tree Services are an approved contractor & Consultant of the QAA (Queensland Arboricultural Association).Our staff qualifications, training records and safety procedures have been audited by the QAA ensuring we meet strict professional industry guidelines. An approved member is an individual who holds general membership in the association and holds a minimum AQF L2.
Why Should I Have My Trees Pruned?
Tree pruning helps keep your trees healthy. Regular pruning removes deadwood, limiting the risk of major limb or total tree failure. Pruning to AS:4373 ensures healthy and stable re-growth and canopy lifts and reductions ensure your trees don’t encroach on dwellings, paths and various structures around your home or business. Annual pruning is usually best for most trees. Palms and smaller screening trees may require more frequent cleaning or pruning, depending on the owner’s requirements.
Can I Prune My Neighbours Tree
Common law allows for a property owner to prune any tree overhanging into their property back to the boundary fence line. This style of pruning is a form of lopping and can result in rapid re-growth, creating ongoing maintenance. Avoid the need for frequent pruning by speaking with your neighbour and requesting permission to prune back to the main union points. This will maintain the trees health and reduce the frequency of pruning.
Can I Prune My Tree On The Nature Strip
In short – No. All trees located on your nature strip remain the property of the Gold Coast City Council and can only be pruned or removed by a Gold Coast City Council contractor. To report a problem with a council tree click here for the correct application and information about their maintenance procedures.
Does Stump Grinding Stop A Tree From Growing Back
Frontier Tree Services main stump grinder can grind to a maximum depth of 300mm. Removing a stump to this depth prevents any re-growth from the tree stump. However, surface roots can have the potential to re-sprout if not ground or poisoned. The root ball of the tree and main root system will die and slowly decompose over time. If there’s no new growth on top then typically, there’s no new growth down below.
My Tree Stump Was Poisoned But Is Starting To Grow Back - What You Need To Do
When trees are removed, they are typically cut to ground level and an application of poison is applied to the stump. In most instances a single application is enough to start the decaying process, however various external factors such as weather and tree species make it impossible to guarantee its effectiveness. If you have a tree that is exhibiting water sprouts (small green shoots) apply a weed killer or similar type product to the new growth. You will soon see a reduction in new growth and the poison will start to take effect
What Is Palm Banding
Palm banding is the application of flexible bands under the crown section of a palm tree. The bands collect dead fronds that would otherwise fall to the ground. Palm fronds are held in the bands until released during periodic cleaning. If you have palms that drop fronds in high traffic pedestrian areas then this is the solution for you.
What Happens With My Waste
All hardwood waste products are 100% recycled.
All tree debris are processed through a woodchipper, creating woodchip mulch. The mulch can be left at your property for you to apply to your garden beds, or can be taken away. When mulch is removed from site it is supplied to local landscape suppliers and aged for re-sell, or donated to local schools for their gardens. 18 cubic meter fresh loads of mulch are available for delivery. Deliveries are made when our crew have a suitable load and are working in your area. Click here for further information about our mulch services or get in touch today.
What Is A Vegetation Management Plan And Why Do I Need One
Vegetation management plans are designed for title schemed properties such as body corporates, resorts and hotels. They document specific information about the trees within the property, assess their condition and make recommendation for any necessary works. These reports are an excellent budgeting tool for committees looking to plan out their maintenance costs and are useful in gaining council approval for any protected tree removals.
What Is An Arborist Report
An Arborist report is often required to comply with a development application lodged for a new building or significant change to your property. The report surveys the trees likely to be impacted by the proposed development and makes recommendations on how these trees are to be managed during the construction process. Depending on project requirements, our Arborist reports can be supplied as a single visit observation report or include multiple site visits and report updates as the project progresses.
Do You Treat For Pest Infestations
Frontier Tree Services supply a neem application service. Neem is an oil that kills or repels common harmful insects and mites from tree foliage. The neem is applied through a misting machine, providing an even coverage over all foliage. Depending on the insect activity it is best to have two treatments to start, the initial application and a second within 6-8 weeks. Insect activity should be monitored following treatments and repeated approximately every six months depending on insect activity.
Storm Season – Be Prepared Download PDF
Why Hire A Qualified Arborist Download PDF
Recommended Trees for Replanting Download PDF
Form 1 Development Application for Tree Removal – Tree & Vegetation Removal Application Form 1
Gold Coast City Council – GCCC Enviromental Weeds
Gold Cost City Council – Planting & Removing Trees
Gold Coast City Council – Free Trees
If you have any other queries phone our Gold Coast Arborist today on 07 5574 4477
Call Today 07 5574 4477
Call Today 07 5574 4477
For all your Tree Service Requirements