Caring For Trees
Frontier Tree Services Caring for Trees in Wet Weather. To the devout gardener, rain is usually considered a blessing. However, during heavy, unrelenting rain periods, you can have too much of a good thing.
Intense weather events can take their toll on mature trees, but keeping them in good health and following some of our tips below will ensure your trees weather the storm. Caring for trees in wet weather involves Prevention, Examination and Recovery.
Get to know your trees with regular tree inspections so you notice if any changes occur. Regular tree inspections can catch changes in a tree’s health before disease or a harsh environmental problem such as the recent severe weather event. Ideally, mature trees should be inspected at least once a year
Keep an eye out for any of the following;
- Dead branches / broken hanging branches
- Cracks or splits in the trunk where the branches are attached
- Cavities or rotten wood along the trunk or in major branches
If you do notice any of these major warning signs consult with an arborist for the best solution to help keep your trees safe.
Examine trees after a severe or prolonged storm, check your trees for signs of damage or have them inspected by a professional. Check the roots and for any damaged / exposed roots as well as newly appeared cracks in the soil around the base of the tree. Other symptoms of trees under excessive water stress include:
- Branch dieback
- Defoliation
- Yellowing or browning on leaves
- Fungus or mushrooms growing on or around the tree
Replenish Nutrients – Soil management is another important aspect of mature tree care. Persistent rain and flooding can drive much-needed nutrients away from your trees. Following a severe storm, replace any lost nutrients by adding compost or an organic fertiliser to your soil.
Pruning is often necessary to remove dead or damaged branches and to improve tree health and reduce wind resistance. While pruning has many benefits, the removal of live branches creates a lasting wound and the removal of large limbs on a mature tree requires careful consideration. Branches that have lost leaves aren’t necessarily dead. Correctly pruning large trees requires special equipment, training, and experience.
A significant lean in your tree could be because of poor weight distribution or root damage, which could compromise the stability of your tree. Consult an arborist for advice on removing these trees.
For more tips on caring for your trees during the wet season, call or email the friendly tree removal experts team at Frontier Tree Services today.